Safeguarding our Serenity
This concept of safeguarding our serenity rather than our sobriety, because it is the loss of our serenity that leads to the loss of our sobriety.
Think about it . . .
noun, plural se·ren·i·ties for 2.
Serenity is the peace we find in the rest of our Savior. Such peace is not found in sobriety, which is simply the regulation of our addictive behaviors.
Yes, sobriety is important and it is essential to find gratitude in it and for it. But sobriety is simply abstinence from unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Sobriety on its own leaves a hole, and without serenity; the peace of our loving Savior, the Grace that He provides and the sustenance of His atonement - which fills that hole, we will fall.
Every single time.
Serenity is our safe place, our haven, our sanctuary and harbor.
It is our serenity that we need to protect with all fierceness we can muster.
Nice post! Thanks!!