New Phone Meeting for Women in Sex Addiction!

I am so so very happy to announce the start of a new phone meeting for LDS Women who struggle with any sort of sexual addiction.

We will be using the ARP manual to start with, but will most likely be moving over to using the Healing Through Christ steps as they continue to be written.  Their current manual is written for loved ones of addicts, but the manual for those that struggle with addiction is in the works.  There is no time frame on that, however.

So let's get to the good stuff!!

The meeting:

When:  Monday nights, beginning August 12th from 7:30pm-9:00pm MST
Where:  On the phone!  Which means, there are no geographic boundaries!
Who: LDS women who struggle with sexual addiction.
Group Leaders:  I will be one of the facilitators, as well as another good friend of mine.  Between the two of us we have over 8 years of recovery under out belts.  Both of us are really excited for this next step in spreading hope to the world.

Since this is our first phone meeting, we kind of want to break things in slow.  We want to get our feet wet before it completely explodes.  Hah.  So, I won't be posting the phone number to call in to the meeting here on my blog.  If you are interested in attending the meeting, we would LOVE to have you.  Simply email me at bythelightofgrace (at) gmail (dot) com for call in information.

**It is important to mention that the system only handles a total of 25 participants.  Two are reserved for the group leaders and I suspect that those sponsoring this meeting will want to attend as well, which would be one more spot.  So really, there are 22 spots available.  I expect spots to fill up quickly so please contact me ASAP for information.

Don't be scared though!  The good news is, if we DO fill up, we'll simply create another meeting!

If you have any questions, please ask!

I hope to hear so many voices on the other end of the line:-)

God is good!


  1. Woooot!!! Such awesome news! :)

  2. Seriously, amazing news! Way to go Sid! :D

  3. Thanks for this blog, If you love phone chat then you can visit Phone Sex Fantasy where you can call and have adult chat.


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