Am I Ready for Step 6?
The main theme of step 5 is to hand all your guilt and shame over to the Savior and trust that He will take it. You are in essence clearing up all the symptoms of your addiction. In Step's 6 and 7 you are given the opportunity to identify the root causes of your addiction, your character weaknesses. You first clear the shame in step's 4 and 5 because shame blinds your ability to focus on your character weaknesses long enough to acknowledge them and work to change them.
So ask yourself two questions:
- Am I willing to take a long hard look at myself and identify the root causes of my addictive behavior?
- Am I willing to accept that through this process I will actually identify multiple character strengths and gifts the Lord has given me?
If you can answer yes to both of these questions then move on. Don't give the adversary time to whisper in your ear such lies as:
- Your character weaknesses define you, you are horrible
- You can't handle facing your weaknesses, it's too scary
Satan would have us believe these whispering's... but truly, there is no 'perfect' way to do the steps. You learn what you can, commit to being better and move on.
This made me smile. :) Bring on step 6!