
I used to believe
That Grace would not touch me until after I die
That I was to do all that I can on this earth on my own
And then
And only then
Grace would meet me where I stopped
I used to believe
That Grace was unattainable
Because way more often than not
I was not doing all that I could
I was busy indulging my natural woman
But by the very Grace I speak of
I have gained new knowledge
Grace does not sit idly by
Waiting to see how far I get
And then if determined I did well enough
Meets me at the point at which I stop
No,  Grace is all around me
Every moment
Of every day
Grace lifts my burdens in the here
In the now
Grace pushes me from behind and pulls me from the front  
Grace stands on my left and on my right 
Grace catches me when I fall and helps me get back up again
Grace whispers to me that I am valuable and worthy
Grace does not stand idly by
And wait...
While I fail over and over in my own isolation
But instead sustains me with the power of 
"three glorified, exalted individuals-
God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost-
who are united in power and purpose to bring to pass
the immortality and eternal life..."
Of me


  1. This reminds me of a Sunday school lesson I attended last year while studying 2nd Nephi. Our teacher asked, "have you been saved by grace?" And my initial reaction was to say, "well hopefully when i die!" But he said, "yes, thank goodness we all have been saved by grace." His next question was thought provoking, "have you been changed by grace?"

  2. I LOVE GRACE! Its power saves me every single day. God is so good, so good.


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